All payments must be paid for your child to participate by the first week of every month or your child will not participate in class.

If not paid by the first week of the month you will be required to pay a $10 extra late fee each additional day.

Superior Cheer & Tumbling, LLC will uphold a high-standing code of conduct. This means every child/parent/instructor will be treated with the utmost respect regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, and race.

There is a ZERO tolerance policy for bullying. Any occurrences of suspected bullying are to be reported to staff immediately. That includes social media, which is a reflection of Superior Cheer & Tumbling, LLC.

When your child is at Superior Cheer & Tumbling, LLC it is a time for learning, working hard, and instruction. The goal of Superior Cheer & Tumbling, LLC is to push your child to be the best of their ability.
With that being said, any disrespect or back-talking will not be tolerated.
shall such an incident occur- it shall be handled in the following manner. 
        1.      A verbal warning will be given
        2.      If continued with the child, the child will be asked to sit out the rest of class/private.
        3.      A discussion will be had with the parent or guardian.
        4.      If this behavior continues your child can be subjected to removal from the gym.

If any deliberate destruction of the gym property/equipment occurs by a student- The responsible party will be required to repair/fix the damage.

All students are required to have a pair of appropriate shoes and attire while taking a class or privates.